Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Latest update - Almost completed

So I went through the checklist and completed a good portion of the items, I also did a little bit of cleanup as well as changing out some of the images (I liked some of Michael Henson's monster images better).

Right now the only thing on my to-do list for this project is:
- Game Cycle - Return to select screen after game over
- Collisions - Ship laser explodes on hitting top of screen
- Collisions - laser explodes on alien bombs
- Alien Grid - more than one alien can drop bombs at once
- UFO - UFO drops bombs
- Sound - UFO sound
- Sound - better explosion sound
- Shields - Dissolve effect when destroyed

I'll hopefully get most of those done before turning in. If not, it's a fairly functional game right now (I've posted my latest screenshot).

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